Six Things I Want YOU to Know About Anxiety
Apr 20, 2023
Today on the blog I'm dropping past with 6 things I want to tell you about anxiety. I often climb onto my soap box about this one. Stick with it though, as I hope I can help you think about your own (possible) level and type of anxiety (which in my view is an individual as you are). More on that in a second.
Now, it seems to me that the way anxiety is talked about in the press and on social media, is becoming increasingly unhelpful. 'Anxiety' has become a catch-all umbrella term. It's used for literally everything from mild worry to crippling social anxiety. And you will often find me with my head in my hands at this! Overuse of the term 'anxiety' does two things...
Firstly, it can mean that the intensity of anxiety symptoms that some experience can be minimised, invalidating their lived experience. While at the same time, mild symptoms like worry can be blown out of proportion. Not good in my view, as it pathologises people and their normal responses unnecessarily.
So here are my SIX things I want you to know about anxiety....
1. It is NORMAL. It is the body and minds way of saying 'hey you, pay attention over here!'. It needs to be seen firstly as the adaptive process that it is. And when we see it that way, we can use it and the associated feelings that accompany our anxiety to fuel us to consider what we need to change.
2. That said, for some people anxiety can, over time, limit them if left unchecked. It is important to recognise it if thats happens and find out what type of anxiety you are dealing with.
3. Anxiety is not just one thing. There are many types of anxiety disorders and majority of people will not meet the criteria. Maybe you've heard of some of these. Anxiety disorders include phobias, OCD, social anxiety and generalised anxiety - all of which have different treatment approaches (with some broad similarities).
4. Anxiety breeds avoidance. It literally stops us from doing things which scare us. Initially, this makes us feel safer. But, before long, our life can look very different from what it once did. Maybe you aren't going out as much. Perhaps you avoid social gatherings altogether. Or you've developed ways to hide your OCD from those closest to you.
5. The treatment for anxiety - yes, you've guessed it. Exposure. To counteract that avoidance we use exposure to whatever it is we fear in order for you to learn that what you fear isn't all that bad and allow your anxiety to reduce. This takes time and it can be hard work. But life returning to how it used to be is so worth the effort.
6. Treatment for anxiety must be tailored to your particular difficulties and what is feasible for you. This is where a good psychological assessment and formation comes in. This should take into account the particular anxiety problem you present with and consider you as an individual.
So, If you're still with me, thanks for reading this far. I hope thats helped clear a few things up for you. I you've not seen it already, I have an accompanying episode talking about all things anxiety. I'd love you to check it out. Remember to hit subscribe and rate or review while you're there. Link below.
If you want to tell me what resonated with you, or for enquiries for therapy, please email me [email protected]. I love hearing from you!
Laura x