Dr Laura Williams Therapy
Terms and Conditions
Updated September 2023
This document outlines the Terms and Conditions for services provided to therapy clients by Dr Laura Williams.
Additional/amended terms may apply for supervision and other professional services. Full terms and policy documents for Dr Laura Williams are available on request.
Dr Laura Williams recognises that it is essential for professional therapy services to be confidential, trustworthy, secure and discreet. Client privacy and confidentiality is protected with the utmost care and sensitivity. Dr Laura Williams is committed to protecting the privacy of clients accessing her services from the point of initial enquiry to the end of therapy and beyond.
What is discussed in therapy is confidential between client and therapist. Brief session notes will be kept. These will be anonymised and stored securely. If it is assessed that a client is at risk of harming themselves, or a disclosure is made that leads the therapist to believe that someone else is at risk of coming to harm, then information will be shared with the relevant agencies. Sometimes it is useful or necessary for the therapist to be in touch with a client’s GP. Dr Laura Williams may discuss contacting the client’s GP with the client, depending on what arises in assessment and therapy.
Dr Laura Williams receives clinical supervision where cases are discussed to ensure quality and safe practice. Client identity is protected in supervision. Supervision is bound by a confidentiality agreement.
Please see the Social Media Policy for Dr Laura Williams for detailed information about how Dr Laura Williams maintains confidentiality and professional practice on social media.
Personal Information
Personal information is handled and stored in accordance with GDPR regulations. Personal data is stored digitally on an encrypted system.
This data comprises client contact details, GP details and emergency contact details as provided by the client at the beginning of therapy.
Any information and digital notes taken during sessions will be transferred onto an encrypted system. Any identifying information is stored securely. Client information will continue to be stored securely for seven years after therapy comes to an end. The client may request to access their personal information at any time.
Sessions are offered online over zoom. Sessions last up to fifty minutes. If clients do not log in at their allocated time, Dr Laura Williams will wait for 15 minutes. If clients have not arrived within that time, the session will be terminated. Clients logging in/calling part-way through their allotted time will be seen to the end of the allotted time only, and the full session fee will apply.
Please note: Treatment is offered in blocks of 6 sessions. Sessions must be used within a 10- week period from the point of booking. This allows for 4 weeks in which sessions are not scheduled due to holidays or other commitments. If sessions are not used within this period, they cannot be used at a later date. The responsibility to schedule sessions within this timeframe lies with the client.
Cancellations and Non-attendance
Sessions cancelled less than twenty-four hours before the appointment start time are charged in full. Sessions missed without notice of cancellation are charged in full. These terms apply across all modalities of therapy delivery.
Clients will be sent a digital invoice. Payment is due prior to the beginning of the session. Clients are asked to ensure the transfer is completed prior to their appointment. Dr Laura Williams reserves the right not to proceed with the session if full payment has not been received.
Dr Laura Williams is not able to provide crisis mental health support. Clients who are suicidal or in crisis, or who require urgent attention in relation to their mental health are advised to contact their GP surgery. The following services may also be contacted:
NHS 24 – 111
This service is available to give help and advice if your GP surgery is closed and you cannot wait until it re-opens.
Samaritans – 116 123
This service provides twenty-four hour emotional support to individuals who are suicidal or in crisis.
Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87
This service provides emotional support out-with hours.
By confirming the first therapy appointment with Dr Laura Williams, the client confirms their agreement to the above terms and conditions.